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Siberian Mouse Tonya Bj (Final 2022)

monrecalna1986$180.00 **** 1st Entertainment -$180.00 **** 1st Entertainment -$180.00 **** 1st Entertainment - Katie *************** 1st Entertainment - Katie ********* Promotion code expires. For more promotions go to I am trying to remove all rows from a dataframe in which the price is greater than 80. My code is as follows: newdf=olddf.drop(olddf.loc[olddf['price']>80]) However, I am receiving this error: "IndexError: too many indices for array" Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong? A: I assume that the price is stored as a string and the format of the price is like this '$180.00' Then you can use below code to compare the value of price with 80 olddf = pd.read_excel(xlxlsx_file_name) # remove price and replace it with a new column newdf = olddf.drop(olddf['price'],1) if(80>newdf['price'].str.replace('$','').astype(float).sum()): print "The value of price of the record is greater than 80" Output The value of price of the record is greater than 80 Q: Python - Calling different functions with the same arguments in a loop I have this code: for x in range(len(x)): def callfunc(t, a, b): if x == 0: func1(t, a, b) else: func2(t, a, b) callfunc(t1, a

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